Under the chairmanship of the Department of Science and Human Resources of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, for three days, the director of the COMET-ISRAEL center, Sigal Adel, as part of international efforts and cooperation in the fight against the spread of coronavirus, held webinars on a gratuitous basis and in Zoom mode with the participation of leading Israeli specialists.
The State of Israel is the leader in terms of the number of vaccinated in the world, their number was more than 70%. This is the first country to close covid hospitals. This is a very useful experience for our country. More than 300 doctors, university and college teachers took part.
Dr. Galina Goltsman, specialist in the field of internal and infectious diseases, head of the therapeutic department of Shamir Medical Center, Tel Aviv, consultant in infectious diseases, lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine of Tel Aviv University and the Comet Center held a seminar on the topic: “Covid – everything you want to know ?.
The lecturer presented updated information on the virus, the pathogenesis of the disease, the peculiarities of the course of Covid-19, noted that it is very important to start treatment early, especially those with concomitant chronic diseases and over 60 years of age. As of March 2021, no evidence-based treatment for Covid-19 has been developed, mainly patients received symptomatic, pathogenetic and supportive respiratory support (oxygenation), from the drugs remdesivir, dexamethasone, as well as convalescent plasma strictly according to indications. Israel directed all its efforts to prevention, and it justified itself, they began vaccination with elderly people, as well as those with concomitant diseases, the Ministry of Israel recommends a single vaccination to obtain a booster effect for those who have undergone Covid. Preparatory work is currently underway to vaccinate children against Covid.
Dr. Evgeny Berko, a therapist of the highest category, head of the general therapy department of the Hasharon hospital, lecturer at the Medical Faculty of Tel Aviv University and the Cornet Center, conducted a webinar on the topic “Covid – on polyclinic ethane, diagnosis, treatment and administration tactics”. The lecturer noted that the correct management of patients at the outpatient level makes it possible for the hospital to focus on the management of seriously ill patients, thereby improving the results of their treatment.
In Israel, 80% of patients received treatment at home, observation was carried out via video communication. In the absence of an opportunity, they were transferred to hotels.
The main task was to identify those who are deteriorating and require hospitalization, this approach makes it possible to reduce the burden on hospitals, reduce overcrowding, and create conditions for the patient.
A feature of the Israeli outpatient level is that the family doctor knows his patients who are under supervision and, when they become infected, they were all provided with a set through the insured health insurance funds, including – a pulse oximeter, a thermometer.
At the outpatient level, family doctors monitored the condition of patients, saturation, only symptomatic therapy and treatment of concomitant diseases were carried out. The lecturer also noted the importance of vaccination against Covid.
Professor Yakov Berkun, a leading specialist in the field of pediatrics and diseases of the immune system, head of the pediatric department of the University Medical Center “Hadassah”, lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Jerusalem and the Comet Center held a seminar on the topic: “Covid-related, multisystem inflammatory syndrome – our experience. Autoinflammatory diseases are a new group of diseases ”.
The lecturer presented modern data on multisystem inflammatory syndrome, data on timely diagnosis and complex therapy were very important.
All webinars ended with questions and answers.
At the end, the director of the DNCHR MZRK G.N. Tanatarova spoke. and Ambassador of Israel to the Republic of Kazakhstan Liat Vekselman, they thanked the director of COMET-ISRAEL Sigal Adel for organizing webinars and speakers for informative presentations, noted that it is very important to continue further cooperation between the countries.
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